Canvey Skills Campus Sports Facilities

The Canvey Skills Campus is based on half the site of the old castleview school. As part of Procat’s agreement the sports facilities would be made available to the community, which is where we work with them.

Prosports Solutions took over the operational running of the sports facilities in 2015.

CSC Gymnastics Club

 After speaking with the local community, there was a distinct need for a Gymnastics Club on the Island. We have gradually built the club over the last few years sourcing more equipment and resources to create an amazing little community club.

If you’re little one would like to join our club, please email and we will try and get you in.


One of our little gymnasts at our intro class

Playing Fields

With the site there is a very spacious playing fields outside. These pitches are currently mostly used by Canvey Island’s Youth section, enabling hundreds of children to play football on a high quality playing surface every week.