Active Maths is a programme set to use sport as a device to help to boost and improve your child's maths ability.
We are aiming to do this by incorporating maths into school sports sessions and offering extra maths support for those who need a little booster.

Active Maths is an intervention programme to take children out of the class setting and teach them maths in a fun and active way. This is mostly targeted at children who may not be fully meeting their potential in maths.

Most children would measure their own intelligence by their academic ability, so if we can improve their maths ability it is also possible to boost their self esteem.

What do our Teachers say?

“Active Maths began at Eversley Primary School at the start of the Spring Term

in 2020. Sessions were well-planned and dove-tailed in with our current

scheme of work and with learning that was taking place in class. Maths was

seamlessly integrated into sporting activities and Active Maths reinforced the

concepts they had been learning during the rest of the week. Children enjoyed

the hands-on and practical work particularly during these weekly sessions, and

often forgot they were learning maths!

We targeted Active Maths to a group of Year 5 children that were performing

at the cusp of or just below age-related expectations. We saw the programme

as an extra opportunity for children to revisit and remember current learning,

and help them to consolidate understanding through seeing their learning in a

completely different context.

Due to the coronavirus outbreak, we unfortunately had to cut short the

programme and we were unable to measure the impact on progress fully.

However, it was clear week on week, the children’s confidence and enjoyment

of maths certainly increased over the time they were able to take part.

When restrictions from the pandemic are lifted, we would certainly like to re-

start Active Maths in our school”. 

James Hancock

Maths Subject Lead and Deputy Headteacher of Eversley Primary School,

Pitsea, Essex.